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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at a glance:

Where is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania?

39.9525, -75.1644 latitude / longitude

GPS coordinates for Philadelphia

215Area Code

Philadelphia, PA

11 feet(3.35 meters)

Elevation above sea level

EST (-5) Eastern Standard Time

Philadelphia Time Zone

9:43 AM Current Time in Philadelphia

*Philadelphia observes daylight savings time

FIPS #: 42County Number: 101

Philadelphia County, PA

Congressional District 13|08

Northeast Region, Middle Atlantic Division

How big is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania?

146.23square miles

Total Area

16 : 1

Land : Water

137.6square miles

Land Area

8.63square miles

Water Area

All Philadelphia Zip Codes (88 total):

19019, 19059, 19092, 19093, 19099, 19101, 19102, 19103, 19104, 19105, 19106, 19107, 19108, 19109, 19110, 19111, 19112, 19113, 19114, 19115, 19116, 19118, 19119, 19120, 19121, 19122, 19123, 19124, 19125, 19126, 19127, 19128, 19129, 19130, 19131, 19132, 19133, 19134, 19135, 19136, 19137, 19138, 19139, 19140, 19141, 19142, 19143, 19144, 19145, 19146, 19147, 19148, 19149, 19150, 19151, 19152, 19153, 19154, 19155, 19160, 19161, 19162, 19170, 19171, 19172, 19173, 19175, 19176, 19177, 19178, 19179, 19181, 19182, 19183, 19184, 19185, 19187, 19188, 19190, 19191, 19192, 19193, 19194, 19195, 19196, 19197, 19244, 19255

What's the weather like in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania?

41.41 inches

Annual Precipitation

76.7 degrees farenheit

Average July temperature

30.4 degrees farenheit

Average January temp

What's business like in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania?


total businesses


total employees

19 : 1

Employee to Employer


Business Delivery Mailboxes

$6,211,434,000U.S. Dollars

Business First Quarter Payroll

$24,157,118,000U.S. Dollars

Business Annual Payroll

How many people live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania?

1,526,206 people

Philadelphia Population
More census numbers for Philadelphia, PA


Total Delivery Mailboxes


Residential Delivery


Business Delivery


Number of PO Boxes


Single Family Deliveries

by family


Multi Family Deliveries
General Info
Relocation & Residential
Local Businesses
Health and Wellness
Landmarks & Points of Interest
Bodies of Water